Keeping It Real
Turning Ideas into Reality
I am often found sitting in the shade reading a great book and smiling as I fill my mind with new information and new ideas. I am fascinated with new concepts and I love to expand my repertoire of skills. I read a lot.
Now here is the rub
I am a pretty lazy guy. I read a great book and I get all inspired and then I do NOTHING> I have just tickled my curiosity bone and left it at that. I am terrible for following through an anything that is outside of my comfort zone.
In my travels and meeting with people who follow my work, I realize that a lot of people share the same affliction. They love to learn about new ideas but they tend to stay the course in their life trajectory. They stay at the same job, eat the same breakfast and spend their precious time in the same way they always have. This is our natural survival instinct at work. We strive for homeostasis in our life as we avoid anything that is uncomfortable and instinctively assume that change is dangerous.
Anytime that I did actually get off my butt and implement a great idea, I have been stunned by the results. My whole life changed; both on the outside and on the inside.
The Law of Attraction
I am fascinated by the concept of "thoughts become reality". It is often misconstrued as some magical force that grants you wishes if you do the right visualisations. I like to think that it is a little more practical than that, but no less mystical.
If you read a book that explains how to build a boat in your backyard using only fence boards you may think that is a great idea and contemplate how cool that would be to have a boat that you built yourself and where it might take you. You may feel the glow of having new information and feel more powerful because you know something that others don't. You might actually "feel" the reality of sitting on your boat with the salty breeze in your face.
But until you actually go into your backyard and start hammering, it is nothing. It is just an idea. It is a single, nebulous concept lost in the infinite sea of ideas. It has no ability to affect your present reality, unless you bring it forth into 3D existence - by concrete action.
Every idea worth implementing requires you to actually move, manipulate and toil against that natural inertia {and even entropy} of the real world. Nothing is going to just "happen" on it's own.
As good 'ol Dr. Phil says "God don't drive no parked cars"
There is a bleak underlying melancholy that persists within the tenet of "life is hard". Yes it can be hard. It also is an unavoidable fact. Everything that exists in the man-made world, including yachts, mansions and private planes were the result of actual work. People actually moved their bodies and manipulated physical objects to bring these things into existence from their original form as dormant ideas.
As Albert Einstein once said,
"Nothing happens until something moves"
For a lazy guy like me, this seems like bad news. I want everything to happen magically. I want super-powers where I can wiggle my nose and manifest whatever I want instantly. This "work" idea doesn't sound like very much fun at all.
Here is the good part. - Ideas are what make the work worthwhile. If we are in pursuit of a worthy goal, we are successful. If we want to build that boat in our backyard out of fence boards it sure would make the labour far more efficient and worthwhile if we had a set of blueprints to follow. If we have a plan, and a methodology and the right tools, the fruits of our labours will be optimised. We will give ourselves the best chance of producing a boat that actually floats if we use the "ideas" presented by someone who had already done it before. This is a huge advantage over the guy next door who is trying to build his boat without any plans or tools.
So, since life demands the we HAVE to work at stuff, then we might as well work intelligently. We might as well get the best return on the investment of our labour. I guess that is why they call it "Sweat Equity". The effort is an investment into our actual real-life dream fulfilment. We must follow the steps as defined by the most successful of us..
This is the only way that manifestation works and the only way it will ever work.
It is also a cycle. We plan our work (ideas), then we work hard to bring our vision into reality, then we keep going until it is done. If we are not getting the results we want, we do some more thinking (conceptualising) and adjust our strategy and keep working until we succeed. It is a simple formula, but a powerful one, that has been handed down for generations in many esoteric traditions.
Play both sides
It is not enough to dream and hope.
It is not enough to work hard aimlessly.
You must first develop the idea in your mind, either by inspiration or through the words of others, then labour to bring it forth into physical reality, then persevere until it is complete. There is no other path.
Now a couple of interesting things about this.
As the Rolling Stones said,
"You can't always get what you want"
Sometimes, in the process of pursuing a goal or chasing a dream, things don't turn out as you expected.. This is usually the case - and is not always a bad thing. Often, I use the metaphor from playing hockey - if you don't like where you are at (you don't have a play) - move (take a few strides)- everything will change. If you move forward your options will continually change and evolve. Your perspective will change too. As you "move" through life you learn more and your perspective changes. You can see things in different ways, opening up new possibilities and opportunities that were not there before or were there all along, you just couldn't see them from where you were.
To once again paraphrase Dr. Phil, movement (effort) is the key.
I think the magical part of this is that something as etheric as an "idea" can have such a huge impact on physical reality.
As they say - If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Having the correct ideas and tools (skills) will make your movement in the world exponentially more potent than not having a plan - and a plan is just a thought. So it really is kind of like bringing thoughts into reality. Except, wishing and hoping doesn't make it real, your effort makes it real. Yet, your effort would be useless without the idea.
I like to think that this concept is the foundation for all of reality. The universe is a creation, not an accident. It was conceived and designed first, then brought forth into reality through movement. The big bang is the first motion.
Just as an idea can become reality, the opposite is also true.
A person can, through much trial and error, become successful in 3D reality. Then, that person can share their experience through books, training courses, seminars or mentorship. The reality of their accomplishments has now been distilled back into a cloud of etheric ideas.
These ideas are then transferred to another human being through whatever medium they prefer and are sitting there with their full potential untapped, until that next human being acts. The idea is propagating from soul to soul and each will have the opportunity to manifest that reality (or not) through their own unique experience. This seems pretty cool to me - it is equivalent to speaking into a cellphone and that physical information is converted to electrons and then transmitted through the air from tower to tower, then through miles of fiber optic cables as protons of light, then back into the air and re-created as analogue sound waves in the the receiving person's ear. I have even left out a few steps here, but if you were to explain this to a person 100 years ago, they would never believe you . It would seem like magic. Yet consciousness and thought and manifestation really behave the same way. We don't quite understand the "how" but we can still use it to our advantage. The macro level and the micro level tend to mirror each other.
As much as we would all like to take credit for our accomplishments we need to acknowledge that nothing happens in a vacuum. Outside forces always interfere with our plans.- Sometimes in a positive way and, of course, sometimes not.
I am suggesting that we would benefit from accepting our role as an instrument upon which the cosmic consciousness, of which our own individual awareness is an integral part, makes the music of physical reality. We collectively create our reality.
So what can I do?
Learn. Listen . Make sure you start with good ideas. You need them to be successful.
Then work. Hard. As the legendary Brian Tracy says,
“Figure out the price of success and get busy paying that price.”
Then persevere. Keep going until you succeed. Re-adjust. Adapt. Overcome. You only lose when you quit. You are not being timed.
Then accept any assistance you get from the collective consciousness with humility. Call it luck if you wish, but few have succeeded without it.
Until one is committed there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative (and Creation)
There is one elementary truth
The ignorance which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
the moment that one definitely commits ones self, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision,
raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings And material assistance which no one could have dreamt
Would have come your way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
-Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE 1749-1832
Rich is the goal. Now we need to define what that means..